A darkly comic depiction of family and community dysfunction, and directed by Majid Barzegar, Parviz, portrays the world of a fifty year old man, played by Levon Haftvan, whose world suddenly changes.
All of this change comes when his father, 15 years a widower, abruptly announces his impending marriage – meaning that the reluctant Parviz will have to move out and start becoming more independent.
His anti-social behavior rapidly escalates via animal-poisoning towards impulsive homicide and child-abduction, rapidly descending into sociopathy.
The grays, blues and browns that color Parviz’s unwholesome, suffocating environments are intensified with a handheld camera work, and allow us disturbingly intense immersion into the big man’s little world as it’s nudged disastrously out of orbit.
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