I am still *mesmerized*


It was midday, almost noon. I was at the office and dad called, wondering about my plans for lunch. And I talked about not being able to make it home in time. Dad suggested I’d go to his place and join him for lunch. “I got some calf liver”, he said, “and I’ll barbecue some for lunch. It’s not much, but will be enough for the both of us. Do come and let’s have lunch. I’ll see you in two hours.”

When I got there, five minutes to 2:00 PM, the smell of wood chips, charcoal and spruce cones had already filled the air, with the fire more than enough for the four skewers of the liver, heart, and suet dad had arranged.

We made the food in the back yard and had lunch next to the fireplace inside, enjoying each other’s company very much. After lunch dad went on to reading by the fireside, and I took a short fifteen minute nap on the living room couch before leaving for work, and saying goodbye to dad, whom was still reading his book by the fireplace.

The night had fallen when I finally got home from work, and got a call from my father saying: ” son, I am still mesmerized by the wonderful time we had today over lunch”


 Translated by Mary Oloumi From a Arash Okhovat weblog



