A pharmaceutical company in Iceland called deCODE Genetics was able to recreate a desist person’s DNA from the living descendants rather than the physical remains.
With this scientific achievement, one can start dreaming of a day that, the genetic specialists not only would recreate the DNA’s of all famous people in human history, but also recreating who ever lived in our planet.
Chelsea Gohd speculate in futurism that:
To that end, more immediate applications might involve repairing and filling in spaces within family trees. But if it’s honed, it could become a valuable historical tool, giving us an in-depth look at what life was like for historical figures like Jonatan. Scientists could genetically resurrect anyone, providing us with a more thorough understanding of our species both from our own personal familial perspectives and through the more macrocosmic lens of human history.
DNA of Man Who Died in 1827 Recreated Without His Remains by Chelsea Gohd
Reconstructing an African haploid genome from the 18th century
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